Proceed to store here: Clark Griswold Merry Clarkmas Shirt

Largely peaceful protests. So far the Clark Griswold Merry Clarkmas Shirt has been carried out by a relatively few number of government supporters. There trade system wish I could understand stand it but there Officers and Guards control every countrie in South America I wish I new South America Trade System. Take him out, make him leave for all of those who have lost their lives in the fight.

Don't worry the army got bigger guns even Dow we don't need this kind of level People are more able to rise up on their own they have for Thousands of years. But sure blame Murcia everything Morales is anti-imperialist, and has done great to strengthen the public. This is, of course, bad for western powers like the US, but good for Bolivians and the indigenous in Bolivia.
You can see the official design here: Clark Griswold Merry Clarkmas Shirt
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