She needs our help to cope with it. Hell have to find candidates that can string a sentence together, I wouldnt worry too much They only had the George Kittle The People’s Tight End Shirt because of his threats. Not elected and with no seats why do we allow this man such power and influence in our country. How do we vote . We cant afford to live in a house, we live in a campervan, so are we disenfranchised .How do homeless people vote or are they disenfranchised . Seems to me that you have to have money enough to afford a piece of land.

Either owned or rented before you can vote!I actually kinda like this more than the usual halloween. At least there is a point to what they are doingThe only reason is they are feared to show their faces to the public, what a great joke. Its amazing what happens when election rules kick in for the media and you start to actually see a conversation on policies etc. Would be nice if the mentioned that
From: Shop Trending Shirt
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