Friday, October 25, 2019

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Places first. I'm just saying that I wouldn't live in France I'd go somewhere else so why should I expect someone I don't know to do the Boxing Cat Magnets Cancer Unbreakable Fight Multiple Scleross Shirt same. Sam Blackburn Our first safe country would be Ireland, and that's where my ancestry is from anyway. But for a lot of people the first safe country might be a long way off if you're LGBT for example, or a certain faith/no faith. Matty If he's from Syria it's almost certain he's not.

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Arabic. He would have as much in common with 'Arabic' culture as the average English person might with Japanese culture. If he's a Syrian Kurd, most of the surrounding countries despise them because they're so progressive see the current conflict brewing up. Sam Blackburn they're supposed to be registered and be considered for asylum in the first European port of call, but they don't want that, they want to travel freely across.

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