Proceed to store here: 18 years of Fullmetal Alchemist 2001 2019 Hiromu Arakawa thank you Shirt

Tony Harris I guess you would vote for thieving cheating liars like this. See they are all at it it's not about what the 18 years of Fullmetal Alchemist 2001 2019 Hiromu Arakawa thank you Shirt people voted for its about what the lying, cheating, thieving Mps want! No wonder she wants to revoke article 50. May achieved a deal. Not a goid one but she did. Johnson has not yet. He is more vocal and lying through his teeth but has achieved nothing at all and has lost every vote. Yet morons like you seem to think he is a hero. What comes out of his rear is not the sun!

EU have all the cards and keep playing them. It doesn't matter to people who don't live in the UK as it's our democracy that's being threatened. Mary Leonard he might mean well but he choses some very questionable friends. From, Middle East terrorist groups, anti Jewish groups. He also is very left wing, too much so for many Middle of the road voters.
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