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Melissa Eacersall You appear to have missed the point - Sarah Jane Robinson was merely pointing out the types of situations that her child doesn’t experience inside his family but that he clearly has become aware of in other families, and how important it is that children learn that their family experiences are not the Horror Movies Characters Squad Goals Shirt ones out there - for her this is important why Sesame Street should (and do) sensitively handle these stories. Sarah Jane Robinson I totally agree and also wish the world had more parents teaching their children how to be good friends.

You were not my audience. I was trying to point that learning about families that are different to your own through the medium of a responsible tv show is valuable preparation for life. People make assumptions that their children will only meet people with similar lives to their own and that can leave their children very unprepared for school. We live in Australia but I am British which means I know only a little about aboriginal culture. Luckily the local children’s channel is great so we have both learnt a lot. I wanted to reassure concerned parents that learning about others is a positive and in no way is a negative for children.
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