Proceed to store here: Joker You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you hurt my dachshund I kill you Shirt

If labour with all its leave areas and mps in leave areas votes against this deal. Come election time i suggest they find thair local job centers as i think come voting thay will need them and alot will be unimployed and possiably unemployable. Because no company would trust anyone who does not respect the Joker You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you hurt my dachshund I kill you Shirt vote. We dont need more votes till you have honered the first one fully. Think long and hard labour mps today before you cast that vote because there is growing amount in the eu saying no more extentions so its deal or we walk away no deal. You go to another vote nobody will accept any vote ever again.

Stand up to princaples and vote the deal. Its now or you need a new job soon we the leavers have had enough of all your remainer games and delays and you could be operning the biggest revolt against parliment in our history from the very people who put you there on your promice to redpect the 2016 vote. 17.4 million is alot of people to upset. Think long and hard now. I think catalonia protests would be a drop in the ocean to voting down this deal and there was half a million there.
You can see the official design here: Joker You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you hurt my dachshund I kill you Shirt
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