Proceed to store here: Merry Christmas Shitter’s Full Vintage Shirt

I went to primary school in the early 90s. There was a lot about rail safety and a pamhplet which was illustrated by Quentin Blake. The Merry Christmas Shitter’s Full Vintage Shirt of what happens when you put your head out. Well that was on the front cover. Her death is tragic and I feel very much for her family and friends, but signage was there and didn't all of our parents warn us from the earliest age about this.

It is tragic that a person died, and perhaps if a train door needs to be opened via passengers then the system needs changing as well as adequate signage. How awful for all involved. For her to lose her life for a few seconds, for those that witnessed it and her family. Very sad. But those signs are clear and are needed on those routes that don't have automatic doors or the staff to make sure you get off and on the train.
You can see the official design here: Merry Christmas Shitter’s Full Vintage Shirt
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