Proceed to store here: Natitude PFT Tee Shirt

Such a good company doing so much good, and the criticism is totally unjust. They treat their staff well, they treat their customers well, and after a hurricane or a shooting they are there giving away free food to survivors or first responders. Kurt says the Natitude PFT Tee Shirt who uses words like libtarded and sheeple. Hate has no place in the world and you have just outed yourself as such. No thanks. No hate needed today.

Lori Wilkerson Phillips how nice of you, what a out glbt who commit suicide. Your such a bunch of hypocrites. Glad more youth doing on thing and dropping churches. They see through the sharade. How pathetic is this! Chick-fil-A is awesome. I’m sick of all these crybaby groups. Guess what there’s people who don’t believe in your lifestyle, who love God more than anything. We are allowed to!
You can see the official design here: Natitude PFT Tee Shirt
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