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The woman to whom the number was reassigned, upon finding out why she was texting her, told her she could contact her anytime. When the woman who lost her brother posted the interaction on Reddit, others reached out to say they do the same. The article goes on to suggest it’s an effective way to deal with grief. Not a new concept, like finding closure in writing a letter you never intend to send. Just a new twist employing technological modes of communication.

The number was reassigned to someone else, it's done all the time. So don't be thinking your brother is back from the Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Supernatural And Was Born In January Shirt. My best friend died from Lupus related illness about ten years ago. I still send her FB messages and can't bear the thought of unfriending her. I used to call my mum's mobile phone and listen to her voicemail message until it wasn't in service anymore.
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