Community garden greenhouse is all plastic when you could use glass, plastic plant pots instead of clay, fertiliser cones in plastic bags, plastic is all over the Saufi hore ich da saufi Shirt in the refill shop, how does that make it environmentally freindly, could easily do much much more instead of just dealing with the peripheral things, when I see that it's like wtf is that all about, jump on the bandwagon money making scheme or the environment Honestly, I'm more concerned about the megatons of plastic and other trash in the oceans. It creates its own ecosystems that breed bacteria never know to humans. I had to do a presentation on it in microbiology. Scary stuff!

Then stop needing the newist phones, the fastest transport and the obsession with media, get on your bike or walk, make your phones last rather than brake them to get a new one, look after your clothes your shoes, the more you need the latest trends the newest the biggest the best the greater the impact so you want to look after your It was on the news the other day for an article about poverty and how people there earn less than those in inland areas!
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