Proceed to store here: The child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt

I used to phone the phone of my late friend. It would go to voicemail and his voice would say leave a message and he’d call back. I’d leave a message saying I missed him. When my mom died my stepdad moved to a different state and put the The child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt up for sale. Now this has been my family’s home since my great grandparents with the same phone number. For a hot minute I forgot my mom was dead and called her. My dad forgot to turn off the phone when he moved and I got my moms voice mail. For a year I would call and leave her messages. Then one day the number was reassigned. It was like losing her again.

My dad passed away in March 2017. His phone has been in a drawer uncharged since then. Last month in September Friday the 13th my mums phone was ringing and it was my dad’s number! We called the number back and it just keeps ringing no answer! Phone is still in drawer uncharged. I kept my old phone with the final texts my brother sent in his last few months of life. I just cannot bear to get rid of the phone.
You can see the official design here: The child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt
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