Proceed to store here: Twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle Tupac Shakur vintage Shirt

Fantastic use the Twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle Tupac Shakur vintage Shirt against our own parliament to leave boris! Let them vote down a deal and get you to ask for an extension which they will refuse and we can leave on 31st Oct! Time for us to leave and all move on! juncker doesn’t say stuff that will blow up in his face either he probably has a veto backer like macron or merkel behind his words. But yeah agreed he doesn’t really mean much in the way of desicions of the 27 states.

Macron mentioned no more extensions, so was probably the source of that decision. They are sick of Brexit and want it over and done with, so put it back to the UK to make the final decision. Simon Bishop each of the EU 27 nation sovereign parliaments will still have to look at the legal papers before offering support or not, to ensure their country will not be disadvantaged.
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