I’d love to win that amount though I certainly wouldn’t keep it all. I’d have such fun giving it away to friends and family and to worthy small groups and individuals who do so much for the vulnerable and disadvantaged off their own back for no reward other than it’s the Braaap Motocross Ugly Christmas Sweater thing to do. Heres hoping the winner sets up a charity and brings some good to the world, because thats exactly what i would do with that money.

If someone wouldn't mind dropping 1 million in used notes in a brown paper bag at the bins round the back I'll make sure to pay them back once the cash comes through. This won't happen after Brexit. They'll need that fortune to afford the rising cost of living after October 31st! But it is too much money for one person when you could make more winners or perhaps it needs to be capped at a lower level now.
From: Shop Trending Shirt
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