Proceed to store here: Joker put on a happy face comic Shirt

Last month signal was down most of the month, now this month its still really patchy. Massively inconvenient for those of us that are disabled and require their phones to contact our support and family. Bad enough forking out for a mobile on top of all other bills and necessities. A mobile was cheaper per month than anything else so that was the Joker put on a happy face comic Shirt I went with. And being disabled isn't a valid reason to use. Unless you just want people to see you as a handicapped person and not a human as every other one.

Matt Pablito Not sure where I used it as an excuse. Some people need the ability to remain in contact with family for reasons of safety. It's fair that people are frustrated/annoyed after 6ish weeks of repetitive problems. I don't need to explain any further to people who have not fully understood what I've said. Sophie Louise Cowen we understand, you're clearly not smart enough to understand our point. If you need a phone for emergencies ect then a landline is a sensible option. You put yourself in this position by not having one being the point.
You can see the official design here: Joker put on a happy face comic Shirt
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