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Meks Samuel no it didn't. I voted leave for lots of reasons mainly I do not want UK to be run by eu and very soon they would have all the say get out now while we can Meks Samuel I don't think that bus had much to do with the Minion Christmas Tree 2019 Shirt people voted.It wasn't a lie, just a suggestion and most of us never saw it except on TV. There were far morr reasons to vote leave. What about the leaflet we all had persuading us to vote remain. Simon Jamieson correct but it’s not the true eu migrants that are the problem or the colour of their skin is it.

It the ones from Afghanistan, Syria and such they have caused havoc throughout Europe I realise you don’t see it here on the telly because the government have prevented the media showing or reporting them in a bad light problem is they are given European citizenship and then we are powerless to keep them out and yes they do make a contribution to this country and we still need immigration but we can control it after we leave.
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