Proceed to store here: Rudolf the rednose gainzdeer ugly christmas shirt

Why not forge a larger denominatio People are less likely to know what a large note looks like and you reduce the risk of being caught. No it won't. The tactic at play is to bring up Harper. It's VERY effective. They're speaking as if Scheer is not even in the room. Second, the conservatives have already set up their pick for a new leader. That's pretty telling, I'd say. They chose badly, and they know they're screwed. This election was Scheer's to lose, and it should have been over 6 weeks ago. The poll numbers are terrible and they chose badly.

he deadlock in the polls really isn't indicative of what the results may be. The Conservatives have pockets where they are going to get 60% of the vote which skews the overall results. Almost two thirds of the seats in Parliament are in two provinces and the Liberals have a comfortable lead in both of those provinces so it may not be as close as what the polls are showing.
You can see the official design here: Rudolf the rednose gainzdeer ugly christmas shirt
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