Monday, September 30, 2019

Need Beer New Balance Shirt

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This is not about not vaccinating - this is about safe vaccinating. Even vets will tell you that over vaccinating is an issue - some vets will offer titres instead for some diseases. We do need to vaccinate and vaccines in general are overall a very good idea. However, not all the diseases being vaccinated for have the same eradication path as smallpox had and there are most definitely issues that are not as clear cut as media portrayal when ministers meet one side.  Plant because not breastfeeding can't kill the baby not vaccinating can mean the Need Beer New Balance Shirt can contract a disease that can cripple or kill them and run the risk of spreading it to newborns or those with comprised immune systems and killing them to.  Plant yes but we are talking about the UK here not other countries. If I have another child, I will be formula feeding them, because it's my boobs, my child and my choice and a child not being breastfed has no adverse affect on anyone.

Need Beer New Balance Shirt

Broomfield this is actually incorrect. In situations of poverty especially formula milk is known to be the cause it many millions of infant deaths. This is why many people choose to boycott Nestle. However this is not connected with vaccines. Since when was this a breastfeeding debate, and people need to get off their high horses, shaming those that don't breastfeed. I wasn't able to breastfeed my son, my milk never came in enough, so he was formula fed. I suffered with post natal depression, and trying to breastfeed when I couldn't made it even worse. My son is 3 now and perfectly healthy and happy, and hitting all his milestones.

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Charlie Brown And Spider-man reflected water Shirt

Buy it: Charlie Brown And Spider-man reflected water Shirt

Charlie Brown And Spider-man reflected water Shirt

 I have a chemistry degree and masters in biomedical science. I understand chemicals and vaccines. Both my boys had the flu vaccine every year since they were babies. Flu kills the very young. The only year i have had flu since i got vaccinated was the swine flu which i caught in the summer before vaccination started. I work in a hospital and see the Charlie Brown And Spider-man reflected water Shirt being admitted with serious breathing difficulties, ending up on intensive care etc so I don't take chances or rely on my healthy diet to protect me. Yet breastfeeding isn’t compulsory nor properly supported and we have the lowest rates in Western Europe and has loads of scientific evidence to support its benefits to health and immunity..

Charlie Brown And Spider-man reflected water Shirt

 Also not all vaccines protect to the same extent. People cite the smallpox vaccine as the gold standard yet not all diseases can be eradicated like that could. Measles vaccine uptake would have higher compliance if a single vaccine was available yet governments buy in what is convenient. Also there are risks and side effects from vaccines - pharmaceutical companies are immune from paying out for adverse reactions. Parents whose children have had adverse reactions are usually ignored and told they are cranks or that the vaccine had nothing to do with it. GP surgeries do not take details of adverse reactions.

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Impeach Donald Trump Shirt

Buy it: Impeach Donald Trump Shirt

Impeach Donald Trump Shirt

Charley Anderson I think Kirsty Carlin made a brilliant point simple people shouldn't live in modern society if they do not want to have the Impeach Donald Trump Shirt. Why should selfish people put others at risk. I warned you. You need true figures how many children are damaged after the vaccines. You wont find this anywhere as the medical profession never ever agree the vaccines damages your childs brain cells. However there are enough families suffering out there. I couldn't have the whooping cough vaccine but had all the other childhood vaccines. My children did too, as do my grandchildren. However, I refuse to have the flu jab as despite over 70 years of use, the evidence isn't robust enough for me to get it.

Impeach Donald Trump Shirt

Whilst I agree with the usual childhood vaccine's, I'm not keen on ALL vaccines being made compulsory. I think that is a VERY dangerous route to go down. Lots of the "science" for many pharmaceuticals is biased, and until we have ALL studies being published, I will choose to do my own research and make up my own mind thank you. Hey, just so you know, the Coop do free funerals for under 18s, just in case you need that information for some reason in the future. Claire Thompson Wickens it's not 70 % and the conditions have to be exactly right. I'm 54, I've had the flu twice, despite working on wards where it was virulent. I've barrier nursed norovirus and been fine. My children have had all their vaccinations except flu.

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Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

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Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

If you’re clicking an angry face emoticon because of this, just make sure your anger is focused on the ignorant, deluded, complacent fools who have lived with the benefits of herd immunisation for so long that they have forgotten what life was like before it. Good! Whilst I would not normally support government interference with parenting, this is about protecting the Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt health and particularly protecting those with weakened immune systems who rely on herd immunity to keep them safe. Marco Vega obesity is so, so much more than an individual problem and until we address this, obesity will continue to increase. However, if we WERE to tackle it in the way that it needs to be tackled, a LOT of money would stop being made by people. I am not sure it should be compulsory to have however it should be compulsory to have to attend a school, a hospital or enter any large public area.

Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

These people are not just putting their child at risk they are risking the 4 week old baby that has no immunity yet, they are risking the neutropenic child with no immunity from anything who could already be fighting something serious like cancer. They are risking the 30 year old mother that for whatever reason could not have the vaccine as a child and managed to survive this long but now lives in fear of catching it . These people are selfish and should think of the impact of their ‘choice’ and how it impacts those that cannot make one. Maybe if there were Repercussions for not vaccinating they would think twice, like having to give up work and live off savings to home school your child or having to pay for private healthcare in a special unit away from those at risk. Don’t want to vaccinate Ok! but don’t live in modern society then either.

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It_s Hocus Pocus Time Witches Halloween Shirt

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It_s Hocus Pocus Time Witches Halloween Shirt

I think forcing people will have the inverse affect for those parents 'On the fence' and we'll see an increase in people not vaccinating. Education is the best way forward not sure how though as some that I've seen on the It_s Hocus Pocus Time Witches Halloween Shirt appear to hold beliefs based on what they think is science But actually isn't. They have flipped pharmacology over  open-minded to side effects but don't understand efficacy. They're a tough crowd who don't get risk benefit like the average person does. Forcing people to do something doesn't solve anything. Scott Julie yes it can be quite a challenge on Facebook with them but then social media is a hotbed of opinion and beliefs. There's not much that can be done about those! But literature does seem to suggest that educational strategies would be useful for those that are open to more information. At the end of the day do you trust the doctors and nurses of the NHS whom don't benefit from your child.

It_s Hocus Pocus Time Witches Halloween Shirt

Being sick or anti vac sites designed to sell you snake oil and natural remedies that don't work. Andrew Carroll I'm not sure that's the main reason  many that I've got into wrangles with on fb seem to have a belief system and the only bit of science they like us herd immunity.   Leisha O'Brien already is compulsory in many countries and it works. There are no alternative facts on this just one set. David Purdue I know it's frustrating but we can't change the power of the internet. Mandatory vaccination is fraught with ethical tensions and legal implications for clinicians that would have to force a vaccination  actually give an injection to a child against the will of their parent. Informed consent/refusal is a cornerstone of ethics in medicine.

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Impeach Donald Trump Make America Great Shirt

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Impeach Donald Trump Make America Great Shirt

Francesca Thomas so which ones do you consider to be unimportant Are these the ones that have been given and disease eradicated I'm interested to know, you've clearly done research so please share as new grand child will soon start this round of vaccinations. I know this is controversial but reality is that my kids are at risk when others don't protect their own children. For years we have been working on eradicating diseases and now we are seeing them circle back in mass volumes. It's common sense! But but I read on a dodgy internet page that vaccines give you autism! Surely that website whose name I can’t even remember is more trust worthy than the Impeach Donald Trump Make America Great Shirt medical profession! Angie what I do is take bicarbonate soda with a pinch of avocado and other assorted wonder fruits and that’s stopped all my illnesses appart form the ones I caught. Some are immunocompromised so they can't get theirs until later.

Impeach Donald Trump Make America Great Shirt

Some kids may have parents or siblings undergoing chemo and can't risk diseases like this being spread through the school and then into the home. It's not those who are vaccinated we have to worry for, it's those who can't get the vaccine for themselves for whatever reason. Oakley you might want to google herd immunity and educate yourself on the matter. God forbid one day someone in your life may be dependent on it to save their life one day.  It's adults, whether unvaccinated or because their immunity has waned only Rubella and Yellow fever vaccinations offer lifetime immunity who are the most likely to carry and spread diseases  not the children. Get all the adults vaccinated  and revaccinated every few years, then your children will be.

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If You Aint Crocin You Aint Rockin Vintage Shirt

Buy it: If You Aint Crocin You Aint Rockin Vintage Shirt

If You Aint Crocin You Aint Rockin Vintage Shirt

I'm so glad me mum was educated and not an online university graduate who thinks she knows more about vaccines than medical institutions. Charli Charters if vaccination was compulsory you would have to get a medical certificate for your daughter. You may not care if your children catch flu, perhaps you don't have a problem with getting time off to nurse them, but for anyone with a compromised immune system people spreading flu are a nightmare. You do realise that someone on chemo can die of flu. Francesca Thomas there can't be choice on this. Because if you say they can refuse some they will refuse all. If I know a kid isn't vaccinated I should have the right to get them removed from the If You Aint Crocin You Aint Rockin Vintage Shirt my kids attend for theit protection. Anyone who wants to live vaccination free should be allotted land in some Isolated area with similar types and they can build their own society. And when they realize it's a terrible idea have one possible access point they need to pass through and get their vaccines at, otherwise go back into you're ready.

If You Aint Crocin You Aint Rockin Vintage Shirt

Francesca Thomas Sounds reasonable so as to avoid any government being hauled into court. And that hasn’t gone well for them recently!. Charters there is no chicken pox vaccine. There should be as when your older you can get the shingles and I can tell you from two family members having it it's bad. One was made blind by having it and the other it affected her brain cells that caused all the left side of her face to drop and down her left arm, and also nearly made her go blind so if there was a vacation I would definitely have it and my children. It was horrible seeing them go through it. All because there is no vaccine for it when your young. Neurological disorders don't get a free pass, if anything it's more important to have them covered because of the additional damage certain diseases can do to their already damaged brains.

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Halloween resting murder face shirt

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Halloween resting murder face shirt

Emma Penwolf I agree, but can you imagine Tesco, Lidle or M&S having someone on the doors asking customers for their up to date inoculation record The only way is to make it a legal requirement with penalties for Know It Alls that think they know better than scientists! Ritva Kiiski Berggren Most diseases aren’t apparent until they have become contagious. Speaking as someone who’s friend had a child which contracted measles, that left him with the brain of a 3 month old until he died at the Halloween resting murder face shirt of 10 from complications , it should have been made compulsory many years ago. it’s compulsory to feed your child healthy food but most of parents feeds them rubbish so come with another example! You cannot force things upon people but you can give them a choice that protects the vulnerable. They may not like the choice or even see it as a real choice, but it is still a choice. Colin Malcolm wait until they come after you. What if they mandate other vaccines What if they mandate them for adults.

Halloween resting murder face shirt

It’s ok now while you think it only affects other people’s children. What about when it’s you  Emma Penwolf sort of. If you choose not to vaccinate, you still put everyone else at risk. Your immunity, even as a vaccinated person, is compromised if your immune system is ‘hit’ too many times by the antigen. That’s why herd immunity relies on a really high number of people to be vaccinated. Even if you denied access to the unvaccinated, you could catch life threatening diseases just walking down the street. Emma Penwolf , do you suggest a separate school for unvaccinated children. How comes the opinion of medical doctors who are against vaccination are not taken into account Why are vaccinations all given in multiple combinations How much money is actually available for pharmaceutical companies How do taxpayers end up paying.

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Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt

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Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt

 Anything that sounds as if they give about anyone else. All just diversionary tactics away from what we know is the main agenda in the u.k. today. We need forests, meadows and orchards. Priority must be given to our natural world!  If Germany and France can do it! There is no reason the UK should not! Must be getting a good price for the Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt off the US insurance companies with all the money they have now. Councils and vets are part of a broken system that has failed to address poor welfare at puppy farms in Wales, experts claim. While I don’t agree on forcing people to take/have something done to them, I agree that nurseries, schools, hospitals, resident/care homes and any other public or private place that has vulnerable people, should be allowed to refuse entry to those who have chosen not to vaccinate.

Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt

Emma Penwolf I agree that you shouldn’t force someone to do something or take something. However when it puts the collective at risk then it’s a no brainer for me. Vaccinations should be compulsory esp for big diseases. if you’re a parent and refuse to vaccinate your child then you’re a dick and don’t deserve to live in the U.K.; a country which has spent years and thousands on eradicating some diseases. Which we ultimately take for granted. a hospital ward or department equipped and staffed to provide intensive care to dangerously ill or premature newborn babies.  Its compulsory to feed your child and ensure they aren't malnourished, so why shouldn't it be compulsory to vaccinate your child to ensure they don't get a host of potentially fatal diseases French Charlotte for a short period of time to allow the body to generate the necessary antibodies.

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Boats _ Hoes 2020 Shirt

Buy it: Boats _ Hoes 2020 Shirt

Boats _ Hoes 2020 Shirt

 I think to much has been sank into HS2 and as for withdrawing from the EU who knows if it will help, the government may have to use the 'surplus' to help bail out companies who knows what, if any, benefit will be seen with withdrawing. Cullen we threw money at everything under the last labour government and it left the country almost bankrupt and we had no option but to impose austerity. As an example, France was in the same boat but did not introduce austerity. It is now teetering in negative GDP. The Boats _ Hoes 2020 Shirt sector has heavily squandered the money given from the gravy train funding. Austerity forced them to learn how to budget, making them leaner and less of a burden on the tax payer. It’s been painful and me for one would have hoped changes in Tax Laws for internet companies, fat cats and super rich would have been an added bonus. But that is for the people to legislate through petition. Neither the last labour government nor this one are keen on introducing tax reforms.

Boats _ Hoes 2020 Shirt

Fiona Burke but at huge cost to ordinary hardworking people. I have to pay huge amounts from my small wage for police, roads and benefits for others, but when I needed the police after being robbed they told me to do their job for them and even with a perpetrator and evidence nothing will be done, and when a huge pothole totally burst two of my tyres the council took no responsibility. If we get new roads they will cost us through even higher council taxes. John Richardson what utter nonsense. Did Labour cause France's debts too Or was it maybe to do with the global financial crisis in 2008, and governments having to borrow to prevent even more damage than was caused by the recklessness of the bankers 

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Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt

Buy it: Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt

Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt

Meanwhile in Cornwall public transport is no better than it was 50years ago! And in North Cornwall where there is no train service removed in the 60s its 50 miles to Exeter to access the rest of the country. Education, health care, employment are all impacted by the lack of service. A 1hr drive can be a 3hr bus journey and out of season when the Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt are gone many routes cease altogether. But government vanity projects are more headline catching than fixing real problems. Coe same here in the Welsh valleys our local bus service stops running at its like we're stuck in time all the money will be spent once again connecting the bigger towns and cities even better and stuff the rest of the country.  Wow, magic money tree what with that and the '40' new hospitals if elected for the next two.

Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt

 I love how that tree appears but yet it doesn't for other things like education, investing in nurse training burseries again. It now appears there is really only enough money for 6 new hospitals. Came across the news article today. Richardson you still need staff to run the hospitals, they can't even do that now without even more hospitals, they have screwed up this country and looking for votes for the next General Election. Matthew Nash The new and proposes new hospitals are to be mainly built in the south of the country in Tory marginals. Nash plus seed planning for the other 34. It's not instant build. Time for longer term plans.  Ronnie Hodes be very very careful what you wish for Ronnie, I take IT that means all those awful people in the SNP as well!

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Evolution Of Ghost Shirt

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Evolution Of Ghost Shirt

This sounds like a bad pledge considering the recent talks about climate change. Plus the money could be better spent on education, building actual affordable homes, healthcare. When labour unveil plans to spend anything more than a tenner, the MSM are all over it immediately questioning the funding aggressively. Now after years of politically motivated austerity, the Conservatives have suddenly found unlimited funds down the Evolution Of Ghost Shirt of the settee and no one questions this. I certainly hope they will force the Welsh Assembly to rethink about plans to expand or reroute the by Newport. Millions have been spent on investigations and planning but now the Labour WA has cancelled the building of it! he royal family should sell a castle and the antiques in it basement collecting dust and pay for all the roads and trains to be added and repairs made to the ones already there.  What's the betting most of these spending pledges will be abandoned post-Brexit The bulk of the economy is already experiencing anaemic growth, while the continued ideological cutting of taxes will reduce government revenue.

Evolution Of Ghost Shirt

Given the Conservatives have been bleating about reducing the deficit for the past nine years, they're hardly likely to engage in reckless overspending.  Matthew Nash, They aren't even new thought some are being upgraded but who will staff the 'new' hospitals Penguins There's long waits already due to staffing issues. Adding more hospitals won't help that if there's even less staff to go around. No I haven't but it's clear to see, throw money at everything and we will carry on to be under a Torie's leadership, with no majority, where it benefits the rich and super-rich. More money spent by the taxpayer to line the pockets of private companies when it comes to operation.then we pay again for the extortionate fares or the treatment.  No more bloody road upgrades! The misery caused to commuting by the 'smart motorway' upgrade is enough. Build some new roads fit for the 21st Century!

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Cowboys Michael Irvin Roger Staubach Jason Witten Bob Lilly Troy Aikman Randy White Emmitt Smith shirt

Buy it: Cowboys Michael Irvin Roger Staubach Jason Witten Bob Lilly Troy Aikman Randy White Emmitt Smith shirt

Cowboys Michael Irvin Roger Staubach Jason Witten Bob Lilly Troy Aikman Randy White Emmitt Smith shirt

We had an advisory referendum with a narrow leave result. It has been shown to be subject to rigging and irregularity to the point it would have been declared void if. It had not been advised. Despite what you may think million people do not. Constitute a majority of the Cowboys Michael Irvin Roger Staubach Jason Witten Bob Lilly Troy Aikman Randy White Emmitt Smith shirt. Million constitute a majority in the terms of voting as its a majority of the number that voted. If the rest of the that didn’t vote wanted to remain then they should have voted to remain rather than stayed at home.

Cowboys Michael Irvin Roger Staubach Jason Witten Bob Lilly Troy Aikman Randy White Emmitt Smith shirt

Proud to be a Canadian and from Montreal today. 500 000 people all gathered together and no shooting. Everyone happy and supporting one another. Whatta you know! Julie Samson amazing. I wish I’d been there. Canada is warming more quickly than any other country. This is a major issue that needs attention now. Brian Cutshall Canada has some of the highest emissions per capita in the world. Our air is clean because of our low population density, not because we’re not polluting.

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Halloween Scary dead walking snoopy shirt

Buy it: Halloween Scary dead walking snoopy shirt

Halloween Scary dead walking snoopy shirt

None of these predictions have come true because they are Remain lies and the British people have had enough. That why Johnson and Cummings are what we need to get the job done. If you want any more evidence of the Halloween Scary dead walking snoopy shirt Remainers will go to, look at Gina Miller. John major and Remain judges who have tried to stop the will of the British people. A general election is coming and so is Brexit! James Matthew Mckenna what remain agenda would that be. They are being investigated by Ofcom for being biased to the right-wing.

Halloween Scary dead walking snoopy shirt

Charles Quinton She has no more message than an answering machine . She knows only what she is told by radical environmentalists .She probably doesn't even understand what they are telling her . Things like that she should know about like El Nino and El Nina .and other warm currants that appear from time to time altering the Earths Climate. Let them protest. It is their right. Their children's children will inherit the mess we refuse to address.

From: Shop Trending Shirt

Drake Nothing was The Same Shirt

Buy it: Drake Nothing was The Same Shirt

Drake Nothing was The Same Shirt

Charles Quinton we are talking of children here - some of them probably don’t understand what it’s all about anyway - taken out of school ,probably unbeknown by their parents, to attend a protest march initiated by this girl. Let’s hope Greta may have a solution then! Lynne Farrer Vine What a Ridiculous comment to make. This the Drake Nothing was The Same Shirt was planned in advance as an organized event. My nieces and nephew went as a class trip. Children's minds are manipulated when edited textbooks and cable news networks tell them that global warming is nothing to worry about.  Lynne Farrer Vine what a mealy-mouthed approach. Why not just say what you mean.

Drake Nothing was The Same Shirt

Sounds like parents are more interested in their kids being babysat by their local school systems rather than teaching their kids to use their voices to speak out their grievances, rather than simply accepting an ignorant and STUBBORN society as a norm. The amount of people in this thread that think schools are actually teaching children anything is astounding lol. The only thing kids these days are learning is how to pass the state funding tests  Lynne Farrer Vine protests are supposed to make the community uncomfortable to make you aware! I’m sorry that you were inconvenienced. I’m sure that when we’ve burned every tree and used up every resource you will be much more comfortable.

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Well Paint Me Green And Call Me A Pickle Cause Im Done Dilin With You Bitches shirt

Buy it: Well Paint Me Green And Call Me A Pickle Cause Im Done Dilin With You Bitches shirt

Well Paint Me Green And Call Me A Pickle Cause Im Done Dilin With You Bitches shirt

Wirth do you not understand evolution. Non-human primates/humans are common terms in biological anthropology.  Any animal you can potentially have a two-way meaningful conversation with is a person. And that definitely covers orangutans, chimps, bonobos and gorillas. If a New Yorker orangutan’s son gets to become president of United States why not offer a sanctuary to this Floridian one.  Sandra identifies as a transgender Democrat socialist who wants to join the Well Paint Me Green And Call Me A Pickle Cause Im Done Dilin With You Bitches shirt for the free surgeries. Wouldn’t it be better to stay in school, get an education and make the changes to the world you desire.

Well Paint Me Green And Call Me A Pickle Cause Im Done Dilin With You Bitches shirt

I am impressed that Canadian businesses allowed employees this opportunity. I have not heard of that happening in the U.S. We know Greta doesn’t attend school, and not every child is like her, so why can’t she do this over a weekend and let those children who do attend school carry on their education during the week Because she wants others to hear her message. It is the same reason the State of the Union address is not given on a Saturday afternoon. ynne Farrer Vine her human rights are being violated denying Education a balanced opinion not her fault she is capable off let children be children without having their minds manipulated

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Skull Mushroom You Cannot Kill Me In A Way That Matters Shirt

Buy it: Skull Mushroom You Cannot Kill Me In A Way That Matters Shirt

Skull Mushroom You Cannot Kill Me In A Way That Matters Shirt

 I feel so sorry for that poor lovey animal for many reasons first of all being in captivity second human beings destroying it's Forest, but most of all at this point the fact that has to live in Florida the number one nut capital of the u.s. Aliana Reyes as a Floridian I agree with you but this sanctuary is actually really nice. There are a few in Florida and they’re all very well kept. visit Naples on the Gulf Coast. Probably the Skull Mushroom You Cannot Kill Me In A Way That Matters Shirt place you have ever been. They have a very nice zoo where all animals are treated humanely in conditions much like their species' habitat. There are humans fighting to get rights and the court systems are dealing with this rot. Yes it is terrible and cruel, but let’s get some perspective here.

Skull Mushroom You Cannot Kill Me In A Way That Matters Shirt

 I dont care where you move her to or who you compare her to, as long as we give her good care the last days of her life, I'm sure she will be safe from now on.  a zoo is a lot different than a sanctuary. in a zoo they only have concrete under their fett, in a sanctuary they will have a large open space with grass under their feet for the first time in their lives. Robots with consciousness haven’t been invented yet and Aliens haven’t been discovered. Futurama isn’t real. Maggy Loughran what a well-thought out, eloquent, and thought provoking comment!

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Jesus inri OMG You Guy thats not what i said Shirt

Buy it: Jesus inri OMG You Guy thats not what i said Shirt

Jesus inri OMG You Guy thats not what i said Shirt

ichelle LaViolette thanks for the information. All this walk and news is uncalled for. Idleness! There are areas with more problems even in UK, people in poor neighbourhoods are suffering he is here walking in cleared up land mine fields for the Jesus inri OMG You Guy thats not what i said Shirt. Sorry. Suppose a country that is 7 times smaller than its neighbour & is faced with a question: Either you surrender, or you fight till the end. I ask myself this question. And my belief is There is no God but Allah. We will FIGHT! Do something practical and dip into your millions to finance it. Money spent on your jolly could have been better spent. He has spoken well on all the 4 points and he represented the case of Jammu and Kashmir very well before the whole world through the platform of General Assembly.

Jesus inri OMG You Guy thats not what i said Shirt

Well done Prime Minister Imran Khan says the pti . You have given a true picture of curfew and the sufferings of Kashmiri peoples during its 55th day of curfew. Imran Khan also exposed the policy of RSS and the Prime Minister Narender Modi. He is brave enough to name the Indian spy kulbassan yadau in General Assembly and his role of spying and terrorism in Baluchistan. He also exposed the dual policy of America and the European countries in dealings with the Talibans and on Islamic Phobia and terrorism. humans think they are intelligent..but jeez we have a long long way to go before we even reach the level of intelligence to live upon a one planet, within its natural state.

From: Shop Trending Shirt

Halloween boooooks ghost reading books Shirt

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Halloween boooooks ghost reading books Shirt

The Beer guy's tweets should have never been reported on. And the editors at the paper made the decision to include them in their report. The journalist, although was a jerk for bringing up the old tweets, and did make questionable tweets in the Halloween boooooks ghost reading books Shirt shouldn't have been fired. What an unfortunate mess. Prince Harry visited a partially-cleared minefield in Angola, following in the footsteps of his mother, Princess Diana. Thank you Prince Harry for carrying on your Mom work, her memory will keep living on thru her sons & her work legacy. Good to talk about mental health but I know from experience of a very close relative one can wait minimum 6 months before help arrives and only then if suicide is.

Halloween boooooks ghost reading books Shirt

The alternative, we cannot all pick up a phone and get counselling quickly, it is more money and resources we need not just advice. He didn’t walk in the same minefield as his mother at all which your caption presents. Her footsteps he did walk in but it is now a built up town. He is walking in protective gear in a completely different minefield. The one she walked in is thankfully cleared and built up. Michelle LaViolette So true. All the minefields have been cleared. Last I checked they've been rebuilding for years now.

From: Shop Trending Shirt

Impeach TRUMP Impeach Shirt

Buy it: Impeach TRUMP Impeach Shirt

Impeach TRUMP Impeach Shirt

How about we teach young men and women that their words and actions have repercussions and to navigate what they do carefully. Enrique Rodriquez part of any learning is making mistakes and understanding that and improving next time . If you hold every mistake anyone makes against them forever then all are doomed.  It's honestly just a bunch of bored unemployed people who have nothing better to do so they try and fire up everyone else. Sure, a lot of people comment on it but the vast majority of them forget all about it 5 minutes later. Perhaps the Impeach TRUMP Impeach Shirt should be more concerned with covering things that affect us all and stop focusing on attention-grabbing nonsense. And viewers need to remember that they are nothing but customers to the media. As customers, they can force change.

Impeach TRUMP Impeach Shirt

All the news does, local and national, is make us think falsehoods through selective coverage. This is not the choice of the stations or the people working for them but rather the huge corporations that own them and are only concerned with one thing and one thing only; higher profit percentages. Nothing else matters to a corporation and if you think otherwise, you should test your thought and do some digging into the corporations you think are all about doing good by people. We're here for your amusement but just remember, Florida man stories are always a lot more sensational and amusing than Iowa man stories. Texas man stories run a close second.

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Turtles slow poke sunset Shirt

Buy it: Turtles slow poke sunset Shirt

Turtles slow poke sunset shirt

Have a missed anyone being disappointed in Busch Light, Because I certainly am!! C’mon he was 16 and has grown into the kind of man this World needs more of! Turning something comedic into something that has touched so many lives of those in need! I hope he spends the Turtles slow poke sunset Shirt of his life remembering the good he has done and not be haunted by a 16yr olds dump post /joke. Why is everyone and everything about race. Live long and happy Mr. King! People think you're regressive and backwards-looking when you challenge a culture eager to take offense that conflates words it finds objectionable with actual harm. But there's no future in this approach, real rational progress never came out of suppressing speech.

Turtles slow poke sunset shirt

Memo Camarena And what's funny it's usually the people like you pointing out that Everyone is Racist are the most racist of the bunch but try to project everyone is to hide their own racism. I live in Iowa. The donations have topped the $2 million point this evening with a few days left to go. The dredging up of the tweets has happily had the opposite effect than originally feared. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you use, it shall be measured to you again.

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Samurai Print Shirt

Buy it: Samurai Print Shirt

Samurai Print Shirt

That's hilarious. Count on religion to discuss morality. I think that's called the ultimate irony. I've seen some pretty immoral religious folks, and some pretty moral non-religious ones. My Goodness the Muslim's actually believe what their holy book tells them.Who'd have imagined that ,not like the Church of England. won't mention what religion the Samurai Print Shirt belong to or what religious group is making the threats. It's not like Lebanon is in the Middle-East. Totally awesome on every level. Islamo fascism never fails to disappoint. A superstitious belief system from the dark ages is just what the world needs more of.

Samurai Print Shirt

Mike White yeah not like in Russia. Where homophobia is driven by christians. As has been the case for the rest of the world too. All religions pretty much are homophobic. Guys pls expedite the procese of more Islamic migrants to your nation to expedite the process of establishing the Caliphate. An Iowa reporter who exposed racist tweets by a sports fan has been fired for his own offensive tweets.  A clear case of living in a glass house and daring to throw the first stone! Karma must have decided, to chase someone real good, and catch him hands down!

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Love Dedue Heart Shirt

Buy it: Love Dedue Heart Shirt

Love Dedue Heart Shirt

We're both no doubt well schooled in the debauchery of the European clergy but this isn't simply down to a misspelling. I'm sure clerics did engage in debauchery and I'd love to know more, so please enlighten me. Clerics should stop, they have some pretty full closets. The church hasn't been moral in centuries, if they ever were. Shocking ! They actually believe what their religion tells them.Who would have thought it, that doesn't happen in the Love Dedue Heart Shirt of England. Yorkshire Rose The Church of England is an apostate organization. Religious, yes, but nothing to do with God or His word. Every country have same law how many child is available for every couple in every country.

Love Dedue Heart Shirt

It is most important to manage population in every country. How many child is available in present situation in every couple in every country .see my profile timeline how to run every country. ou’ll find that Arab/Muslim countries for the most part don’t find equality and western values as worthwhile principles to follow. Equal rights for women and man and for sexuality gender and freedom of expression etc. Why is it surprise to anyone I don’t know. It’s like that in the majority of them.

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Astros Al West Champions Shirt

Buy it: Astros Al West Champions Shirt

Astros Al West Champions Shirt

He now plays for Zimbabwe's homeless football team and is heading to Cardiff to represent his country at the Homeless World Cup. Kuda, who was born without a left foot, has faced discrimination because of his disability. He's amazing ! I think the U.S. need to bring this talented young man over here and have him join the U.S. soccer team, he would make an awesome the Astros Al West Champions Shirt. What small people to discriminate against him. Fantastic achievement and wish him all the best for the future.  It makes me sad when i see n hear stories of people with disabilities. Some hide them away from people, some kill them, no longer seen, some won't take them on holidays so that they can enjoy their time away. Sad to see how some people treat them! Good on you Kuda, atleast u can speak up your mind n show the world! some can't n that's where neglect n abuse is in our society.

Astros Al West Champions Shirt

Beautiful, he found his purpose in this world. Will pray for his success. I wantned to comment but I couldn't compose a politically correct sentence. Those who are blessed to be diologically complete would understand me. Oh so you konw, I don't blame or mock those who were given by nature. Having been on the fore front of Debauchery and immorality for over a Thousand years. The Clergy takes no chances with any upstarts in their midst. hanks for the comedy relief there. I sure did need it. I didn't mean to offend you, if that's what you think. I think your doing a great job and service for the internet at large. You keep on top of your game and that Top Fan Badge is yours for sure! Go get-em Sport!

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tree And Car Halloween Shirt

Buy it: September Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tree And Car Halloween Shirt

September Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tree And Car Halloween Shirt

Its about time fb had competition where people can voice their right to freedom of speech. How much did the politicians pay you, Facebook, to not fact-check. Lol the most fake news that is spread comes from politicians why would Facebook want to fact check them. Annoying Facebook. I think you should. It would be a welcomed change from most of the September Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tree And Car Halloween Shirt already allowed. I can't sell a horse, but politicians can lie like a sidewalk. Somebody must really be getting their dick sucked in the FB executive.

September Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tree And Car Halloween Shirt

Wouldn't want to be seen as anti-Trump, that man couldn't find the truth if it was hiding in Ivanka's bedroom.  Doesn’t fact checking reduce fake news and misinformation. I don't understand why there isn't law or some rule in place that stipulates politicians are not allowed to use Social Media platforms at all. No Twitter, Facebook or anything else. Considering politicians are some of the biggest sources of misinformation, this policy seems self defeating. Then they will change the legislation and impose restrictions on Facebook in their territory which will hamper Facebook business.

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