Monday, September 30, 2019

Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

Buy it: Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

If you’re clicking an angry face emoticon because of this, just make sure your anger is focused on the ignorant, deluded, complacent fools who have lived with the benefits of herd immunisation for so long that they have forgotten what life was like before it. Good! Whilst I would not normally support government interference with parenting, this is about protecting the Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt health and particularly protecting those with weakened immune systems who rely on herd immunity to keep them safe. Marco Vega obesity is so, so much more than an individual problem and until we address this, obesity will continue to increase. However, if we WERE to tackle it in the way that it needs to be tackled, a LOT of money would stop being made by people. I am not sure it should be compulsory to have however it should be compulsory to have to attend a school, a hospital or enter any large public area.

Philadelphia Skilsinho Shirt

These people are not just putting their child at risk they are risking the 4 week old baby that has no immunity yet, they are risking the neutropenic child with no immunity from anything who could already be fighting something serious like cancer. They are risking the 30 year old mother that for whatever reason could not have the vaccine as a child and managed to survive this long but now lives in fear of catching it . These people are selfish and should think of the impact of their ‘choice’ and how it impacts those that cannot make one. Maybe if there were Repercussions for not vaccinating they would think twice, like having to give up work and live off savings to home school your child or having to pay for private healthcare in a special unit away from those at risk. Don’t want to vaccinate Ok! but don’t live in modern society then either.

From: Shop Trending Shirt

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