Saturday, September 21, 2019

Uaw On Strike Shirt

Buy it: Uaw On Strike Shirt

Uaw On Strike Shirt

Spot on Gary, The golden rule in virtual signaling about climate change is ‘One’s own habits are necessary, it’s everyone else who has to change. I look at comments like Gary's and I shake my head. That kind of a comment is from the Uaw On Strike Shirt of a scarcity-oriented market capitalist economy. The extremely inefficient and wasteful economic system ever conceived where we change the designs of automobiles and mobile phones each year, then design them to wear out and break down planned obsolescence, a form of artificial scarcity so people will constantly be engaged in consuming and expanding markets.

Uaw On Strike Shirt

I see the turning point of the future as resulting from a social and economic breakdown of existing social designs as become less effective. The direction we take will be forced by social circumstances and the march of events. Unless we accept responsibility for a more appropriate social design, we are bound to repeat the same cycle of war, poverty, hunger, homelessness, crime, territorial disputes, etc.

From: Shop Trending Shirt

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