Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Friends Pennywise And Joker Shirt

Buy it: Friends Pennywise And Joker Shirt
Friends Pennywise And Joker Shirt

A liberal apologies and all is good. A conservative apologies and it’s nothing less than this head on a pike. Conservatives picking from the bottom of the barrel. Trudeau will win again. we Canadians love him! Put it into context, please. Did he do it to mock, belittle, or embarrass people of color. Or was it a costume for a party or a theatrical performance. Was it an honest impersonation of a famous or well-known character or a cruel hoax with racist intentions. This is all joke I have no idea why he apologized for it was just a costume party I lost my respect for him not because of picture but for apologizing for it. I’m glad the Friends Pennywise And Joker Shirt doesn’t have any real issues if BBC has nothing better to write about. This is no issue what so ever and political correctness should have some barriers. Okay, have y'all seen 'White Chicks.' Why is it okay for the Wayne brothers to put on white faces and but not the other way around.
Friends Pennywise And Joker Shirt

Wow how much people had to dig for this pic. He's clearly a threat to some. Hope he wins again. There's nothing wrong with it. Why do people in the west always like to put negative thoughts to everything. Gosh. The thing is. this wasn't done to mock or disrespect. Our awareness then wasn't as acute. We have been educated and have learned why this is disrespectful and demeaning to others. If we were all called out for the things that were done out of ignorance or stupidity we'd be apologizing for the rest of our lives. This is from nobody found this kind of thing offensive because it's not meant to be. Of course, we all know better now. I was a and I'm sure I did some stupid or offensive things then too. it is what it is and he has apologized so let's move on.

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