Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mickey Mouse Yankees New York Yankees Shirt

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Mickey Mouse Yankees New York Yankees Shirt

Most of these scandals could be prevented if people just came clean before it hits the fan. I was young and stupid and there is a picture out there I deeply regret. I hope you can forgive me since I have learned what I did was wrong. This is the most asinine thing I've read today. Why would someone deliberately sabotage their own career by airing their dirty laundry before anyone even found out Also, what is wrong with apologizing after the Mickey Mouse Yankees New York Yankees Shirt if the apology is sincere It's obviously a dumb thing from his youth. It's not even a real scandal in my opinion. It's more appalling that you believe dressing up in costume is such an offensive act then the costume is. Ali Deejam Yes precisely. Nobody forgives any negatives or scandals just because somebody comes clean! Yo whoever dug this up truly had hate in their heart. I think there should be an inquiry into his character to check if he has really learned his lesson and become a better person.
Mickey Mouse Yankees New York Yankees Shirt

Politicians, comedians, musicians, etc. If you get mad about one and not another then you're a hypocrite. The left assaulted and wanted death on the last story similar to this. But that was not a liberal face figure. Now we mad at those who found it. You mean like Trudeau does to the opposition and Canadians on a daily basis You have an idea what this man is sitting over therein. He is a traitor, a fake, a thief and a womanizer. Sorry but he is done. Gone come election day,  Remmington Lee this is only the case of one person. Soe nothing to do with race. Whether he's racist or not I don't know but at least let the people know he's learned better since. Some upcoming wannabee earned his or her keep tonight. Resting comfortably with some extra cash.

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